Day trip to Cancale – mussels, crepes and cider

Day trip to Cancale – mussels, crepes and cider
Saint-Malo, France

Saint-Malo, France

Gah! So cold…. We decided to venture our way to the seaside town of Cancale, legendary for fresh shucked oysters off the jetty. We froze our proverbials off waiting for the bus in, which made us reconsider our original plan to stay a little longer in St Malo…. We were the only fool tourists on the bus, and we saw several people cursing the weather as we walked to the beach front. Abandoning the jetty idea, we found a little creperie whose hostess gave as a hearty ‘Welcome to Brittany!’. Yeah thanks, glad to be here. The only patrons in the place, we had a great chat to her and enjoyed the local staple of cider and la complete (a crepe with ham, egg, and cheese pronounced complet), chilli mussels, and poached pear crepe flambé. All very good. It seemed even the locals were a bit put off by the weather. We were told the forecast for tomorrow’s journey to Mont St Michel, a castle on a tidal island, would be snow… And the buses would be cancelled.

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