Travel day to St Malo

Travel day to St Malo
Saint-Malo, France

Saint-Malo, France

We checked out of our gorgeous room, to make our way to the train station ready for our journey to St Malo. We stocked up on snacks for our journey and had lunch before we boarded the train. Ena’s broken French came in handy trying to explain what we wanted to order. After a train trip through a very cloudy but pretty countryside, we arrived to a chilly little station. Asking directions from the ticket office, we were told (via half English/half French charades) it was a 15 min walk down the road… in the freezing cold. Incredulous, we started examining the maps at the bus stops; an icy rain started to come down. We tried our luck again, and the lady helpfully pointed us to the (empty) taxi rank with a grin, despite her colleagues insisting that they would walk it! We were never so glad to see a cab. The driver was very lovely (a rare thing it seems); he heaved our bags and wished us luck. The hotel is right in the middle of the Old Town, a medieval village of cobble stones and narrow streets walled off from the rest of the modern development. Just outside the walls is a bus stop, the tourism office, and a marina full of boats. The noise of seagulls echoing off the stone buildings from our hotel window was surprisingly relaxing. I think I’ll really enjoy it here.

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