Good evening Vietnam

Good evening Vietnam
Tieu Can District, Vietnam

Tieu Can District, Vietnam

7:30am start for a 4 hour bus ride to the Vietnamese border, and another 5 hours to our homestay along the Mekong Delta. We arrived as the sun was setting, so we missed the guided walk through the village. Tomorrow instead. Our beds are in an open space under a tin roof and mosquito nets. The family are very cute. They cooked us pork pancake, pumpkin soup (chunks of pumpkin in broth), stir fried meats, rice, and garlic beans. Soo good. I tried to find out the ingredients in the pancakes, as they demonstrated how to cook them in front of us. But they seemed hedging about it, which is such a shame… I really want to cook it at home. Early night for us, as a bright early start to visit the floating markets.