Farewell to tour

Farewell to tour
Kochi, India

Kochi, India

I was a bit late out to breakfast, so I had bananas and masala chai tea. It was probably a good thing because my stomach had been a bit tender anyway. We then boarded a boat to cruise down the river. It was so peaceful, lounging on the deck, with the brown water carrying islands of water plants along side us, people waving from the bank and passing boats. An hour of relaxation. Then back on the bus, a coffee break, and a couple of hours later answer were back in Fort Kochi. It feels so weird to be saying good bye to India. I remember on my first day in Delhi confessing to my roommate that I already didn’t like India and was dreading the rest of the trip – thinking I would hate it. I was really wrong. I think I’ll actually miss it… Kati rolls for lunch with the group. Note to self, learn how to make these. Our CEO left us a little time at the hotel before promising to come back and help those who wanted to catch the ferry. I spent the time trying to post the brass Ganesh back home. I went to the post office with the statue that was wrapped by the guy who sold it to me. The clerk looked at me sceptically, and told me it had to be a cube shape, but fussed with it non-committedly for 15 mins, trying to shape it into a cube and then, opening it up to see that it really was a statue. He sent me to the tailor shop down the road, saying to hurry because the PO closed in 30 mins. The lady wrapped and wrapped and wrapped it in tape until I only had 2 mins to spare, and I scribbled the address on it quickly and ran to the office. Same clerk… Just as unhelpful. There is no name on the receiving address, and the sending address is not complete, it had to be the full address of the hotel, and it’s too late anyway, we’re closed. *******. Luckily our CEO was lovely and offered to post it for me when he got home to Chennai. Anyway, the CEO helped me, a girl Nikki who was catching the same flight as me, who I’d offered to share my hotel room with, and a Danish guy to catch the ferry across to near the city. From there, we got a tuk tuk to the hotel.